Theme: Revitalizing project management for the innovative era

The conference theme “Revitalizing project management for the innovative era” speaks to the need for organizations and project managers to adapt and evolve their practices in the face of rapid technological advancements and shifting business landscapes. This theme recognizes that traditional project management approaches may no longer be sufficient to drive successful outcomes in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment.


The PMI Uganda 2023 conference seeks to explore how project management practices can be revitalized to better align with the innovative era. It will examine how organizations can leverage emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, Agile transformation, CEO roles in elevating this art and science customer empathy and Tools & techniques to optimize project outcomes. Additionally, the conference will consider how project management methodologies can be adapted to accommodate changing customer needs, global competition, and other disruptive forces.

The conference will bring together project management professionals, researchers, and industry leaders to share their experiences and insights on revitalizing project management for the innovative era. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about best practices and emerging trends in project management, as well as to network and connect with peers in the field.

Overall, the conference theme reflects the need for project management to adapt and evolve in response to the changing demands of the business world. By embracing innovation and exploring new approaches to project management, organizations can stay competitive and achieve their goals in today’s rapidly changing environment.

Conference Objectives
The objectives of the “Revitalizing project management for the innovative era” conference are:

  1. To explore the latest trends and emerging best practices in project management, with a focus on innovation and agility.
  2. To share practical insights and experiences from project management professionals, researchers, and industry leaders on successfully managing complex, highrisk projects in the innovative era.
  3. To examine the role of emerging technologies and tools in supporting project management, and to explore their potential to improve project outcomes.
  1. To provide a platform for networking and collaboration among project management professionals,

researchers, and industry leaders, enabling them to exchange ideas and build relationships.

  1. To promote the importance of project management as a critical driver of organizational success and

competitiveness in the innovative era.

  1. To identify and address the key challenges and opportunities facing project management

professionals in the innovative era, and to develop practical strategies and solutions for overcoming

these challenges.

  1. To foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement in project management, enabling

professionals to adapt and evolve in response to the changing demands of the business landscape.

Overall, the conference aims to inspire and equip project management professionals with the

knowledge, skills, and tools they need to thrive in the innovative era, and to contribute to the success of

their organizations.

Conference Topics

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Project Management
  2. The critical role of Project Management in Elevating execution excellence
  3. Re-thinking the role of CEO and leader to promote Management
  4. Developing customer empathy: a key ingredient for successful projects
  5. Innovative Projects Management Tools and Techniques

All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process by our panel of experts, and accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings.

Pointers to the Topics:

  1. Artificial intelligence: This call for submissions seeks proposals that explore the role of artificial

intelligence (AI) in project management. This includes topics such as the use of AI in project planning,

risk management, and resource allocation, as well as the ethical implications of AI in project


  1. Role of project management in Execution: This call for submissions seeks proposals that examine the

role of project management in project execution. Topics may include project monitoring and control,

change management, and risk management, as well as the importance of effective communication and

collaboration in project execution.